@RyuTama I don't even.
Dontcha know it's pirate day?!
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
@RyuTama I don't even.
Dontcha know it's pirate day?!
I rarely post, yo.
EeeerAaaaaaaarryghh let's dance!
Waiting for
Season four of Sherlock
The new Hobbit movie
Season five of Game of Thrones
New episodes of Downton Abbey
Pirate day hmmm? Then why are the anime pages I like on facebook full of neko pics?
On the bright side though, this is apparently my treasure:
@HeadHunterX you be hating on nekos?!
On a side note, mah neko just gave birth. They're so fluffy and kawaii!
I rarely post, yo.
No, I just find it odd that for pirate day they just show neko anime characters instead of pirates. Just found that odd
Shiver me timbers and Walk th' plank! O_O
Don't worry about that me hearty, my find ye all odd. Aarrr, and dinna spare the whip!
we'll keel-haul ye, by Blackbeard's sword!
*pirate talk extreme deluxe*
Last edited by SuXrys; 09-19-2011 at 06:41 AM.
Waiting for
Season four of Sherlock
The new Hobbit movie
Season five of Game of Thrones
New episodes of Downton Abbey
Astral_Mage - Younger Brother/Confetti Brother
horrendous - Older Brother
1nterest1ng - Confetti Brother
Ya'har! Ye wee little seadogs!
Arrrrg! I've come to dance with da women, drink the ale, and dress in ye finest fancy dresses! So what if I be a pirate, eh? Can't us pirates be dressing in pretty things too?
Signature by Daken
Signature by Immoral
Just came to think about it...
It's pirateday and all... And hoist the mainsail! And swab the deck!
but we don't even have an special animeforum-pirateflag for this glorious day!
Waiting for
Season four of Sherlock
The new Hobbit movie
Season five of Game of Thrones
New episodes of Downton Abbey
*Ties @SuXrys at the flag pole and raise the "flag"
Fire the Cannons! Raise your colors!
Talk like a pirate day is over![]()
Set made by the Wonderfully talented Yukari :3"You are slow, even when falling..."BLEACHFather(/mother O-o): RyutamaMothers: Mikuchuu & SuXrysOlder Brother to:Keena Aya AshikagaMiki~Xey Oiz
Well... atleast I got to be the flag so everyone could see just how glorious I am. *nods*
So thank for for that@Ashminigun , my darling.
I know..
Waiting for
Season four of Sherlock
The new Hobbit movie
Season five of Game of Thrones
New episodes of Downton Abbey
Takes out a grenade.........Pulls the safety pin......( screamed )Fire in the Hole!!!........ !!! ......( Accidentally drops the grenade)........ O-ow c-crap!!! GRENADE!!!! RUN!!!
I want my own Darth Vader for christmas...
give him to me! give him to me now!
Waiting for
Season four of Sherlock
The new Hobbit movie
Season five of Game of Thrones
New episodes of Downton Abbey
Unexpected things! IV
Set by me.
☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆|Sigma★|
|Kaitou$|Daken :'D|Neuko's Pokemon Trainer|
|AF onii-chan: Jump_for_Luck||dark_butterfly's mommy|
|Elphaba's Penguin|Proud daughter of Aleyna and Anuket|
~ ♥ ~
Last edited by ACBlackJ0ck; 09-20-2011 at 11:09 AM.
I remember when we actually sang this during music classes ^_^
Waiting for
Season four of Sherlock
The new Hobbit movie
Season five of Game of Thrones
New episodes of Downton Abbey
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