Digimon Liberator, a webcomic about Digimon card game battles in the virtual world of Lacuna, has released Chapter 0 before its official launch next month. You can read it at: https://digimoncard.com/digimon_liberator/jp/
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Digimon Liberator, a webcomic about Digimon card game battles in the virtual world of Lacuna, has released Chapter 0 before its official launch next month. You can read it at: https://digimoncard.com/digimon_liberator/jp/
My Wi-Fi, it's gone out . . .
Got more details?
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from Amazon.com
It follows Shoto Kazama and his childhood friend Arisa, as Shoto enters a VR (virtual reality) game known as Digimon Liberator. Shoto is paired with a Digimon called Pteromon and Arisa has one called Shoemon. They journey in the world of Lacuna, and navigate its attractions. I've read up to Episode 3. I prefer Digimon as an anime. That's the best part about it, imo. I'm not used to the webcomic format. I don't like that Digimon isn't airing on TV currently. Especially the dub!!
My Wi-Fi, it's gone out . . .
Bandai is making the same mistake they did with digimon seekers, assuming digimon fans can read. lol
Anime is a lot like sex. Done right it's a beautiful act of creation that brings a little more light into the world. If it's sick and wrong... it's even better.
Author of "Slasher School Days", "How to Be an Anime Character", and "The Complete Lesbian Storybook" available from Amazon.com
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